
Title First name Family name

Other title (if not listed)

Street Address (optional)

City Country Post Code (optional)

Phone Number (optional)

Registration Type
Any further information about your profession

Please tell us your interests (tick all that apply, but at least one)

To reduce my own levels of stress

To find help for my sleep problems

To reduce my patients' levels of stress (I am a health professional)

To reduce my colleagues' levels of stress

To reduce my friend or relative's levels of stress

To find out more about courses for myself

To find out more about courses for my colleagues

To offer stress-related methodologies to my phobic patients

To offer stress-reduction in my clinic

Training to be a Registered Stress Analyst (RSA)

Grants and financial support when training with Nicrs

Training to be a Registered Stress Practitioner (RSP)

Job opportunities in stress practice

Interested in looking at opportunities in research

Grants and financial support for people in the entertainment industry

Grants and financial support for people in the health industry

I Would like to become a member.

(Becoming a member is free, you can cancel at any time.)

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